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Остров сокровищ (Treasure Island)
Остров сокровищ это город на побережье Мексиканского залива Пинеллас Каунти (Pinellas County), в американском штате Флорида.
Treasure Island is a city in Pinellas County, Florida, in the United States. As of the 2000 census, the city population was 7, 450. According to the U.S. Census Bureau's 2004 estimates, the city had a population of 7, 521.
Other than the main island of Treasure Island, the city boundaries encompass the smaller Isle of Capri, Isle of Palms, and Paradise Island, as well as Eleanor Island, which is undeveloped and reserved as a bird sanctuary. The total area of the City of Treasure Island is 5.3 sq mi (13.8 km2), of which 1.6 sq mi (4.1 km2) is on land.
The city incorporated in 1955, merging the small towns of Sunshine Beach, Boca Ciega, Sunset Beach, and the town of Treasure Island. At that time, the smaller islands were undeveloped mangrove islands.
Area code(s) 727
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